Ever Green Nature

A meek endeavor to survey nature & wild animals. Protect Nature That will protect you

Kuttichathan Thira

Thirra is a custom dance of north Kerala, south India, performed in Bhagavati temples. This art form is performed by the performer of Peruvannan community. It has some resemblance with Theyyam. It will be done at the time of festival

Thirra brings the gods to life. Performers dress up with ceremonial facial paint and loud clothing and dance in front of the divinity, the bhagwati. The purpose clearly is to bring a sense of fear to the events. Each performer represents a particular deity and is sponsored by devotees as a prayer offering. These dancers are viewed as possessed by the gods when they are in their act, with devotees queuing up to meet them to share woes and wishes.

Golden Shower Tree

Name :Golden Shower Tree
Scientific name : Cassia fistula
Family :Fabaceae
Malayalam :KaniKonna
Hindi : Bendra lathi

The Golden Shower Tree or Indian laburnum Cassia locally known as Kanikkonna in the family Fabaceae, local to southern Asia, from southern Pakistan east through India to Myanmar and south to Sri Lanka. The flowers are of ritual importance in the Vishu festival. The medium-sized tree blooms in a particular season during the Medam month of Malayalam calendar (April-May), when Keralites celebrate Vishu.It is a medium-sized tree budding to 10-20 m tall with fast growth. The leaves are deciduous or semi-evergreen. It is widely grown as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical areas. It blooms in the month of May; flowering is plentiful, with trees being covered with yellow flowers. The golden shower tree is the national flower of Thailand and is called Dok Khuen; its yellow leaves symbolize Thai royalty. The golden shower tree is the state flower of Kerala in India

Blue leadwort

Family : Plumbaginaceae
Binomial name : Plumbago auriculata
English : Leadwort, Blue leadwort
Hindi : Neelchitra, Chita
Malayalam : Koduveli, Neelakkoduveli

A beautiful permanent plant with semi woody stems and several branches. Leaves simple unequal sized, vary, or sometimes in a spiral; flowers blue in short reduced incurable spikes. It grows well in a container outdoors and can be watered freely in the summer. To get the flowers to appear, the plumbago requires a warm place in full sun or partial shade.
